Photographer : JPL Range : 2.52 million miles (1.56 million miles) P-29481B/W Voyager 2 returned this photograph with all nine known Uranus rings visible from a 15 sec. exposure through the narrow angle camera. The rings are quite dark and very narrow. The most prominent and outermost of the nine, Epsilon, is seen at top. The next three in toward Uranus, called Delta, Gamma, and Eta, are much fainter and more narrow than Epsilon ring. Then come Beta and Alpha rings, and finally, the innermost grouping, known simply as the 4,5, & 6 rings. The last three are very faint and are at the limit of detection for the Voyager camera. Uranus' rings range in width from about 100 km. (60 mi.) at the widest part of the Epsilon ring, to only a few kilometers for most of the others. this iamge was processed to enhance narrow features; the bright dots are imperfections on the camera detector. The resolution scale is about 50 km. (30 mi.)
Photographer : JPL Range : 2.52 million miles (1.56 million miles) P-29481B/W Voyager 2 returned this photograph with all nine known Uranus rings visible from a 15 sec. exposure through the narrow angle camera. The rings are quite dark and very narrow. The most prominent and outermost of the nine, Epsilon, is seen at top. The next three in toward Uranus, called Delta, Gamma, and Eta, are much fainter and more narrow than Epsilon ring. Then come Beta and Alpha rings, and finally, the innermost grouping, known simply as the 4,5, & 6 rings. The last three are very faint and are at the limit of detection for the Voyager camera. Uranus' rings range in width from about 100 km. (60 mi.) at the widest part of the Epsilon ring, to only a few kilometers for most of the others. this iamge was processed to enhance narrow features; the bright dots are imperfections on the camera detector. The resolution scale is about 50 km. (30 mi.)