Backdropped by a blue and white Earth and the blackness of space, Space Shuttle Discovery's docking mechanism (top foreground), payload bay, Remote Manipulator System Orbiter Boom Sensor System (RMS/OBSS), vertical stabilizer and orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pods are featured in this image photographed by a STS-119 crewmember during flight day 12 activities. Photo credit: NASA March 26, 2009
Backdropped by a blue and white Earth and the blackness of space, Space Shuttle Discovery's docking mechanism (top foreground), payload bay, Remote Manipulator System Orbiter Boom Sensor System (RMS/OBSS), vertical stabilizer and orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pods are featured in this image photographed by a STS-119 crewmember during flight day 12 activities. Photo credit: NASA March 26, 2009