Diminutive by stellar standards [
], white dwarf stars are also intensely hot [
] ... but they are cooling. No longer do their interior nuclear fires burn [
], so they will continue to cool until they fade away. This Hubble Space Telescope image [
] covers a small region near the center of a globular cluster [
] known as M4. Here, researchers have discovered a large concentration of white dwarf stars [
] (circled above). This was expected - low mass stars, including the Sun, are believed to evolve [
] to the white dwarf stage. Studying how these stars cool could lead [
] to a better understanding of their ages, of the age of their parent globular cluster, and even the age of our universe!
Diminutive by stellar standards [ http://zebu.uoregon.edu/textbook/se.html ], white dwarf stars are also intensely hot [ http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap951130.html ] ... but they are cooling. No longer do their interior nuclear fires burn [ http://fusedweb.pppl.gov/default.html ], so they will continue to cool until they fade away. This Hubble Space Telescope image [ http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/PR/95/32.html ] covers a small region near the center of a globular cluster [ http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap970919.html ] known as M4. Here, researchers have discovered a large concentration of white dwarf stars [ http://plabpc.csustan.edu/astro/stars/stars.htm ] (circled above). This was expected - low mass stars, including the Sun, are believed to evolve [ http://plabpc.csustan.edu/astro/stars/stars.htm ] to the white dwarf stage. Studying how these stars cool could lead [ http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/press-releases/95-32.txt ] to a better understanding of their ages, of the age of their parent globular cluster, and even the age of our universe!