First six of a Twenty-five frame panoramic, 360 degree view taken from northeast of the Lunar module LM looking west at panel and Flag, then to southwest at LM and counterclockwise to south and west looking into Surveyor Crater. Then panoramic looks northwest at TV and back to panel to complete 360 ciruits. The images were taken during the first extravehicular activity EVA-1 of the Apollo 12 mission, on Nov. 19,1969. Original film magazine was labeled V, film type was HCEX SO-168 - Ektachrome EF, high-speed color reversal, ASA 160 taken with an 60mm lens. Sun angle was low. Approximate camera tilt was Medium oblique.
First six of a Twenty-five frame panoramic, 360 degree view taken from northeast of the Lunar module LM looking west at panel and Flag, then to southwest at LM and counterclockwise to south and west looking into Surveyor Crater. Then panoramic looks northwest at TV and back to panel to complete 360 ciruits. The images were taken during the first extravehicular activity EVA-1 of the Apollo 12 mission, on Nov. 19,1969. Original film magazine was labeled V, film type was HCEX SO-168 - Ektachrome EF, high-speed color reversal, ASA 160 taken with an 60mm lens. Sun angle was low. Approximate camera tilt was Medium oblique.