There was a thick layer of smog (greyish pixels) over central portions of China on July 11, 2002, while a thick pall of smoke from dozens of fires (red pixels) in the east obscured the Chinese coastline. There also appears to be a heavy sediment loading (reddish brown pixels) being carried by the Yangtze River into the East China Sea?probably the result of heavy rains and high water levels further inland. This true-color image was acquired on July 11 by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, flying aboard NASA?s Terra satellite. Please note that the high-resolution scene provided here is 500 meters per pixel. For a copy of the scene at the sensor's fullest resolution, visit the
MODIS Rapid Response Image Gallery. Image courtesy Jacques Descloitres,
MODIS Land Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC
There was a thick layer of smog (greyish pixels) over central portions of China on July 11, 2002, while a thick pall of smoke from dozens of fires (red pixels) in the east obscured the Chinese coastline. There also appears to be a heavy sediment loading (reddish brown pixels) being carried by the Yangtze River into the East China Sea?probably the result of heavy rains and high water levels further inland. This true-color image was acquired on July 11 by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, flying aboard NASA?s Terra satellite. Please note that the high-resolution scene provided here is 500 meters per pixel. For a copy of the scene at the sensor's fullest resolution, visit the <A HREF="" target="outlink">MODIS Rapid Response Image Gallery.</A> Image courtesy Jacques Descloitres, <A HREF="" target="outlink">MODIS Land Rapid Response Team</A> at NASA GSFC