STS102-E-5012 (9 March 2001) --- Astronaut James D. Wetherbee, STS-102 mission commander, looks over a procedures manual on the flight deck of the Space Shuttle Discovery. The commander and his crew are preparing for a series of very busy days ahead. Once the Discovery links up with the International Space Station (ISS), work on the orbiting outpost, crew personnel exchanges, supply transfers and a number of other chores face the astronauts and cosmonauts.
STS102-E-5012 (9 March 2001) --- Astronaut James D. Wetherbee, STS-102 mission commander, looks over a procedures manual on the flight deck of the Space Shuttle Discovery. The commander and his crew are preparing for a series of very busy days ahead. Once the Discovery links up with the International Space Station (ISS), work on the orbiting outpost, crew personnel exchanges, supply transfers and a number of other chores face the astronauts and cosmonauts.