This Chandra image has been processed to show the X-rays emitted from SN 1994I. The blast wave from the supernova explosion is interacting with the surrounding circumstellar medium giving X-ray emission which is still visible, thanks to the high sensitivity of Chandra, seven years after the explosion. Scale: Image is 1.5 arcmin across by 1.6 arcmin. (Credit: NASA/CXC/UMd./A.Wilson et al.)
This Chandra image has been processed to show the X-rays emitted from SN 1994I. The blast wave from the supernova explosion is interacting with the surrounding circumstellar medium giving X-ray emission which is still visible, thanks to the high sensitivity of Chandra, seven years after the explosion. Scale: Image is 1.5 arcmin across by 1.6 arcmin. (Credit: NASA/CXC/UMd./A.Wilson et al.)