Langley's drag-cleanup studies of the Brewster Buffalo experimental fighter in 1938 were so productive that the U.S. Army and Navy sent most of their World War II prototype and production aircraft to the Laboratory for similar examination. Photograph published in Winds of Change, 75th Anniversary NASA publication, (page 49), by James Schultz. Photograph also published in Engineer in Charge: A History of the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, 1917-1958 by James R. Hansen (page 195).
Langley's drag-cleanup studies of the Brewster Buffalo experimental fighter in 1938 were so productive that the U.S. Army and Navy sent most of their World War II prototype and production aircraft to the Laboratory for similar examination. Photograph published in Winds of Change, 75th Anniversary NASA publication, (page 49), by James Schultz. Photograph also published in Engineer in Charge: A History of the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, 1917-1958 by James R. Hansen (page 195).