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Photo Description: 
The DARPA/U.S. Air Force X-45A Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) system demonstration program completed the first phase of demonstrations, known as Block I, on Feb. 28, 2003. The final Block I activities included two flights at Dryden, during which safe operation of the weapons bay door was verified at 35,000 feet and speeds of Mach 0.75, the maximum planned altitude and speed for the two X-45A demonstrator vehicles.
Project Description: 
The Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) System Demonstration Program is a joint DARPA/Air Force/Boeing effort to demonstrate the technical feasibility for a UCAV system to conduct various strike missions within the emerging global command and control architecture. The demonstrations within the program will provide the information necessary to enable decision-makers to determine whether it is technically and fiscally prudent to continue effects-based development of a UCAV to perform its proposed missions. The Dryden Flight Research Center role in the UCAV program has been to provide technical expertise and hanger space for the UCAV X-45A under a 1999 agreement with DARPA and The Boeing Company. The X-45A is the first of two UCAV demonstration versions that will be used in advance of fielding operational systems around 2008.
Photo Date: 
February 21, 2003
NASA Photo by: 
Lori Losey
Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC)
February 21, 2003
Photo Number: 
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