JSC2002-01511 (8 August 2002) --- Astronaut William S. (Bill) McArthur, Jr., Expedition 9 mission commander and NASA ISS science officer, is briefed by United Space Alliance (USA) crew trainer Bob Behrendsen on the usage of a pulley, used to lower oneself from a troubled shuttle, in a training session in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility at the Johnson Space Center (JSC). McArthur is attired in a training version of the shuttle launch and entry suit.
JSC2002-01511 (8 August 2002) --- Astronaut William S. (Bill) McArthur, Jr., Expedition 9 mission commander and NASA ISS science officer, is briefed by United Space Alliance (USA) crew trainer Bob Behrendsen on the usage of a pulley, used to lower oneself from a troubled shuttle, in a training session in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility at the Johnson Space Center (JSC). McArthur is attired in a training version of the shuttle launch and entry suit.