The Cartwheel Galaxy is one of the brightest ultraviolet energy sources in the local Universe. Recently-observed features include concentric rings rippling out from the impact area in a series of star formation waves, ending in the outermost ring. Previously, scientists believed the ring marked the outermost edge of the galaxy, but the latest Galaxy Evolution Explorer observations detect a faint disk, not visible in this image, that extends to twice the diameter of the ring. (Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech/P.Appleton et al.)
The Cartwheel Galaxy is one of the brightest ultraviolet energy sources in the local Universe. Recently-observed features include concentric rings rippling out from the impact area in a series of star formation waves, ending in the outermost ring. Previously, scientists believed the ring marked the outermost edge of the galaxy, but the latest Galaxy Evolution Explorer observations detect a faint disk, not visible in this image, that extends to twice the diameter of the ring. (Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech/P.Appleton et al.)